blank'/> There are 2 passwords for all the files it's either: youtube or YOUTUBE: 突然小さくなった僕が、学校へ転入して悪戯しまくる話


My Incognito School Mischief as a Boyish-Looking Man
image image
Password: youtube

Having somehow reverted to the physique of a little boy,
the protagonist seizes opportunity. First he enrolls as a transfer student at a nearby school.
All around him are cute little girls. Now to put the moves on...

* Characters

Perky & outgoing Ikumi Aiba (CV: Chiroro Ohyama)
Shy girl Yuuko Miyase (CV: Megumu Morino)
Mysterious Hibari Asaka (CV: Kanari Kanzaki)

* Features

- 1024x768 display
- 17 CG base images, 77 total incl. variations
- Cut-ins and image scrolling
- Text speed effects and optional show/hide for cross-section views
- Female characters fully voiced

- Includes CG mode & Reminisce Mode

Event scenes which you've seen once can be viewed again in CG mode.
Naturally, you have free control over cross-section views here too.